Integration with Visix Digital Signage via Our New API

DoubleSpot Development Team Jan 17, 2025

We are thrilled to announce a new API that allows integration with Visix, the leading digital signage platform. This feature empowers organizations to produce CSV files tailored for Visix, streamlining the process of displaying events and schedules on digital signage systems.

Key Features of the Visix API

The API endpoint is available at, with query parameters designed to meet various needs. The generated CSV files can either be displayed directly in the web browser or downloaded as files, depending on your preferences.

Query Parameters

Here are the key parameters to customize your CSV file:

  • orgId (required if venueId is absent): The ID of the organization. The organization's DoubleSpot homepage should be available at
  • venueId (required if orgId is absent): The ID of the venue. The venue's DoubleSpot page should be available at
  • date: The date of the events. At least part of the event must occur on this date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to the date in the venues' time zones at the current moment if left unassigned.
  • startDate: The earliest date of the events. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This takes precedence over date when both are provided.
  • endDate: The latest date of the events. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. This also takes precedence over date when both are provided.
  • displayDate: Determines if the start and end times include the full date string:
    • 1: Include the full date string.
    • Other values: Exclude the date string.
  • download: Specifies whether the CSV file should be directly downloaded or displayed in the browser:
    • 1: Directly download the file.
    • Other values: Display the file in the browser.

Key Requirements

To use this API effectively, ensure the following:

  1. At least one of orgId or venueId must be provided.
  2. Either date or both startDate and endDate must be specified.

Practical Use Cases

  1. Single-Day Event Listings: Retrieve all events occurring on a specific day using the date parameter.


  1. Multi-Day Event Listings: Fetch events within a specific date range using startDate and endDate.


  1. Custom Organization Event Listings: Generate event details for a particular organization while choosing to display date information.


How It Works

  1. Input the Parameters: Enter the required query parameters into the API endpoint URL.
  2. Generate the CSV File: Depending on your configuration, the CSV file will either be displayed in the browser or directly downloaded.
  3. Integrate with Visix: Upload the generated CSV file into your Visix digital signage system to update your displays.

Start integrating your digital signage with Visix today by leveraging our API and see how it can transform your event scheduling and display process. For detailed documentation and support, feel free to contact our team at

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